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Conference: Structures on Singular Spaces through the Lens of Characteristic Classes

We are pleased to announce the conference Structures on Singular Spaces through the Lens of Characteristic Classes, to be held September 16 - 20, 2024. Organized by Prof. Markus Banagl (Institute for Mathematics, Hei­del­berg) and Prof. Laurentiu Maxim (University of Wisconsin at Madison), the conference aims at representing a wide variety of global viewpoints in recent developments concerning topological, analytic and algebraic aspects of characteristic classes for singular spaces, as well as of their lifts to orientation classes in various general homology theories such as K- and L-groups. The talks will take place in Mathematikon INF 205, Konferenzraum 5.104. For more information, please consult the conference webpage:

The programme includes two introductory mini-courses intended for young researchers.
The meeting is supported by the Cluster of Excellence STRUCTURES. 


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