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Scientific Ma­chine Learning Event “Ma­chine Learning Galore!” January 16, 2024

Announcement poster (Click on the image to download the PDF)
Photo of the event
The Ma­chine Learning Galore! event fosters interaction and exchange between scientists working on scientific ma­chine learning.

We are delighted to announce the next event in our Ma­chine Learning Galore! series, focusing on Scientific Ma­chine Learning, which will take place on Thursday, January 16, from 4:30 to 6:00 pm at INF 205 Mathematikon (5th floor). The event will feature lab presentations by principal investigators, followed by brief presentations from junior scientists showcasing their latest work. Extended discussions will offer ample opportunity for in-depth exchanges. In order to participate, please register for free at the ML-AI portal.

Event Details:

  • Lab Presentations:
    • Fruzsina Molnár-Gábor (Faculty of Law of Hei­del­berg Uni­ver­si­ty, and BioQuant Center Hei­del­berg)
    • Dominik Niopek (Institute for Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology Hei­del­berg)
    • Björn Malte Schäfer (Center for Astronomy, Hei­del­berg Uni­ver­si­ty)
  • Science Talks:
    • Timo Weiß (Molnár-Gábor Lab): Responsible AI? Responsible People!
    • Benedict Wolf (Niopek Lab): ML-Guided Engineering of Switchable Proteins
    • Tobias Röspel (Schäfer Lab): Statistical Mechanics Meets Bayesian Inference and Ma­chine Learning

About Scientific Ma­chine Learning

Scientific Ma­chine Learning is a collaborative initiative by the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) and the STRUC­TURES Cluster of Excellence. Its mission is to foster interaction and exchange within the local ma­chine learning community, and to support its development by consolidating activities and resources that might otherwise remain scattered across individual institutions or disciplines. The initiative aligns closely with the objectives of STRUCTURES, which aims to advance fundamental research, and with IWR’s focus on applying ma­chine learning to address long-standing challenges in the natural and life sciences, engineering, and the humanities.

Further information:

DoBlack: Unraveling the Zoo of Dormant Black Holes

Map of GAIA data
Map showing the location of the first three black holes discovered by ESA’s Gaia mission in the Milky Way. (Click on the image for a largerution version) Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC;  A. Moitinho; CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO.
STRUC­TURES Pro­fes­sor Michela Mapelli

For her re­search project “The formation of dormant black hole binaries: a key to mass transfer and stellar dynamics (DoBlack),” the German Re­search Foundation (DFG) has granted STRUC­TURES Pro­fes­sor Michela Mapelli, astrophysicist at the Center for Astronomy of Hei­del­berg Uni­ver­si­ty (ZAH), around half a million euros.

The DoBlack project will investigate the formation of so-called dormant black holes in binary star systems – pairs where one companion is a black hole that shows no signs of mass transfer, typically detectable through X-ray emissions. These “silent” black holes have attracted increasing interest in recent years. While black holes detected with gravitational wave interferometers often represent the tip of the iceberg of the population with extreme orbital properties, dormant binaries are thought to be more representative of the black hole population in the local Universe.

To date, only a handful of such systems have been observed. However, the forthcoming fourth data release of the Gaia astrometric satellite is expected to identify several hundreds to thousands of these dormant black holes. Already, Gaia data has led to the discovery of three such systems. The orbital period of the first two of them, Gaia BH1 and BH2 (186 and 1300 days, respectively) is a puzzle for astrophysical models: too tight to be explained with a non-interacting system and too large for a binary star that evolved via unstable mass transfer.

DoBlack will address these puzzles by employing advanced numerical simulations. “DoBlack is a natural and exciting extension in understanding the formation of the new class of BH binaries,” resumes Mapelli. The goal of DoBlack is to model the formation of dormant black holes with new binary evolution models, star cluster simulations, and a comprehensive exploration of the parameter space. “We aim to reconstruct the most likely formation pathways of dormant black holes and provide a key to explain the seemingly impossible orbital period of Gaia BH1 and BH2,” says Michela Mapelli.

Michela Mapelli has led the DEMOBLACK group at the Center for Astronomy of Hei­del­berg Uni­ver­si­ty (ZAH) since July 2023 and is a member of the STRUC­TURES Excellence Cluster. Her main re­search focus is understanding the formation of astrophysical black holes.

Further information:

STRUC­TURES Pro­fes­sor Michela Mapelli Appointed as Humboldt Scouting Sponsor for Early-Career Researchers

STRUC­TURES Pro­fes­sor Michela Mapelli

We are delighted to announce that Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has appointed STRUC­TURES Pro­fes­sor Michela Mapelli, astrophysicist at the Center for Astronomy of Hei­del­berg Uni­ver­si­ty (ZAH), as a Henriette Herz Scout.

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's Henriette Herz Scouting Programme invites international researchers to conduct re­search projects in Germany. As a scout, STRUC­TURES Pro­fes­sor Michela Mapelli now has the opportunity to identify three excellent researchers in the early stages of their careers and recommend them directly for a Humboldt Fellowship. Humboldt Scouts are selected based on their outstanding re­search achievements and excellence in mentoring.

Michela Mapelli has led the “Demography of Black Hole Binaries in the Era of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy” (DEMOBLACK) group at the Center for Astronomy of Hei­del­berg Uni­ver­si­ty (ZAH) since July 2023. Her main re­search focus is understanding the formation of astrophysical black holes.

“I am very excited to become a Humboldt Scout. My priority will be to bring to Hei­del­berg outstanding early-career scientists who show promise of becoming leaders in the fields of Computational Astrophysics and Gravitational-Wave Astronomy,” says Michela Mapelli. “I will focus on identifying excellent female young researchers as well as candidates from disadvantaged backgrounds and underrepresented minorities.”

The Henriette Herz Scouting Programme enables three international scientists to do re­search at the ZAH with a Humboldt Fellowship. Young talents as well as experienced researchers are eligible. The sponsorship period is 24 months for postdocs and 18 months for experienced researchers. Financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Re­search (BMBF), the programme has opened up a new way of accessing the Humboldt Re­search Fellowship. The new, active scouting procedure enables successful academics in Germany to directly approach highly sought-after candidates from abroad who have so far not applied to the Foundation and invite them to conduct joint re­search at their institutions. In a competitive peer-review process, the Humboldt Foundation annually selects up to 40 scouts who will then themselves identify junior researchers abroad and recommend them to the Foundation. Both in terms of subject and region, the programme thus recruits new collaborative partners for Germany. It also seeks to increase the percentage of women sponsored under the Humboldt Re­search Fellowship Programme. 

Further information:

Building a Fluid Atom by Atom: Researchers Study Emergent Hydro­dynamic Behaviour of a Few-Fermion System

Image showing a beam targeting particles that join to form a fluid.
Artist's illustration of a collection of few atoms forming fluid-like behaviour. Image credit: Helene Hainzer (

Macroscopic fluid dynamics is usually thought to emerge from vast numbers of microscopic particles. Now, scientists have studied fluid-like behaviour in systems of as few as ten ultracold lithium atoms.

How many particles does it take to form a fluid? A new study led by STRUC­TURES researchers, published in Nature Physics, reveals that fluid-like collective behaviour can emerge with as few as ten ultracold lithium atoms. Inspired by observations in high-energy nuclear collisions, where similar phenomena are seen in systems with only a few dozen constituents, the researchers explored the onset of collectivity in quan­tum systems.

By precisely controlling the number of atoms and the strength of their interactions, they observed elliptic flow – a striking inversion of the initial aspect ratio that is a hallmark of hydrodynamic behaviour. This phenomenon, typically associated with much larger systems, challenges the conventional understanding that elliptic flow requires vast numbers of particles.

The study not only challenges long-held assumptions but also provides access to observables that remain elusive in high-energy nuclear collisions. This interdisciplinary effort, combining advanced experiments and theo­re­ti­cal modelling, paves the way for a deeper understanding of collective phenomena in quan­tum systems and opens exciting new avenues for re­search at the interface of quan­tum physics and particle physics.

Further information:

STRUC­TURES Newsletter December 2024

STRUC­TURES Newsletter Vol. 18Click on the image to open the newsletter as PDF. 

We are happy to present the 18th volume of the STRUC­TURES Newsletter, featuring re­search news, background articles and interviews. The topics of this edition are:

  1. New Simulations Reveal That the Positioning of Stress
  2. Fibres in Cells Follows a Minimization Principle
  3. Lauriane Chomaz Promoted to Full Pro­fes­sor
  4. The Exploratory Projects of STRUC­TURES – A Five Year Success Story
  5. STRUC­TURES Welcomes New YAM Fellows
  6. Astrid Eichhorn Re­ceives ERC Consolidator Grant
  7. Ruprecht-Karls Prizes for YRC Members Friederike Ihssen and Lynton Ardizzone
  8. YRC Member Malek Alhajkhouder Re­ceives Rhodes Scholarship
  9. Recap: Schöntal Workshop 2024

The STRUC­TURES Project Management Office is happy to answer questions.

STRUC­TURES Researchers Create a Fractional Quan­tum Hall State with Ultracold Fermions

Picture of two atoms with spin up and down, rotating
Artist's conception of a Laughlin state.
Vacuum chamber and optical trap

Scientists at Hei­del­berg Uni­ver­si­ty have achieved a groundbreaking milestone in quan­tum physics: the creation of a Laughlin fractional quan­tum Hall state using just two ultracold fermions.

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” – this phrase often attributed to Aristotle captures the essence of one of the most intriguing phenomena in nature: emergence. When several parts of a physical system interact, new properties can arise that its single parts do not have on their own. A striking example is the collective behaviour of quan­tum many-body systems,  which can produce novel effects like low-energy excitations carrying a fraction of an electron's charge.

Researchers from the group of STRUCTURES' principal investigator Prof. Selim Jochim at Hei­del­berg Uni­ver­si­ty, in collaboration with Philipp Preiss from LMU Munich, have made significant progress in understanding the emergence of fractional charges. By trapping and spinning a single pair of ultracold lithium-6 atoms in optical tweezers, they replicated the topological properties of this exotic state, previously seen only in bosonic systems. Using a tailored rotation to mimic the influence of a magnetic field, they achieved a strongly correlated atomic state described by physicist Robert Laughlin's wave function for the fractional quan­tum Hall effect, characterized by its collective and topological nature.

This accomplishment marks a crucial step in the study of emergence of topological phases of matter and paves the way to exploring more complex states, such as quan­tum Hall ferromagnetism and topological p-wave superconductors.

Further information:

STRUC­TURES Member Wolfram Pernice Re­ceives Leibniz Prize

STRUC­TURES Pro­fes­sor Wolfram PerniceProf. Wolfram Pernice

Most important re­search advancement prize honors the experimental work on integrated photonics by Prof. Wolfram Pernice and his team.

We are proud to announce that our member Wolfram Pernice has been awarded the prestigious Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the German Re­search Foundation (DFG). The award honors his groundbreaking pioneering work on neuromorphic photonic computing, a transformative field at the intersection of physics, computer science, and engineering.

Prof Wolfram Pernice heads the re­search group Neuromorphic Quan­tum Photonics at Kirchhoff Institute for Physics and is part of STRUCTURES' Comprehensive Project CP 5: Quan­tum Systems and Neural Networks: Computation in Physical Structures. The goal of his re­search in the field of integrated photonics is to develop new methods for information processing and rapid computation using light. By developing nanoscale chip systems, his re­search has far-reaching implications for artificial intelligence and quan­tum technologies. The DFG underlines that his interdisciplinary re­search crosses traditional boundaries; it impacts on various disciplines – from natural sciences to computer science to engineering sciences. “His re­search results point the way to innovative, sustainable methods for reducing energy consumption of AI computer hardware and still enabling rapid calculations. Furthermore, he is known worldwide as a pioneer in the field of integrated quan­tum photonics,” the German Re­search Foundation adds.

The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize – the most important re­search award in Germany – has been awarded annually by the German Re­search Foundation since 1986. Up to ten prizes can be awarded each year with prize money of 2.5 million euros each. The awards for 2025 go to four female and six male researchers, including Wolfram Pernice. An award also goes to mathematician Prof. Angkana Rüland, a former member of STRUC­TURES who did re­search on applied mathematics at Hei­del­berg Uni­ver­si­ty from 2020 to 2023. The purpose of the Leibniz Programme, established in 1985, is to honor outstanding scientists, to expand their re­search opportunities and facilitate employment of particularly qualified early-career researchers. The award ceremony will take place on 19 March 2025 in Berlin. 

Further information:


STRUCTURES Project Management Office
Philosophenweg 12 & Berliner Str. 47
D-69120 Heidelberg

+49 (0) 6221-54 9186

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