Jour Fixe
The STRUCTURES Jour Fixe is the central meeting point of STRUCTURES. Its talks cover the entire scientific breadth of STRUCTURES and aim at all members. The Jour Fixe takes place as a hybrid event (Venue: Philosophenweg 12, GHs and online). You are interested in receiving announcements for the Jour Fixe or have questions? Feel free to write us at office@structures.uni-heidelberg.de. The STRUCTURES Project Management Office is happy to answer questions.
Recent and Upcoming Talks
Jour Fixe 2024
Dec 06, 13:00 | Cluster-Internal Discussion |
Nov 29, 13:00 | Cluster-Internal Discussion |
Nov 15, 13:00 | New CPs & Discussion Jürgen Berges, Peter Bastian, Hans Knüpfer, Ulrich Schwarz, Peter Albers, Matthias Bartelmann, Arthur Hebecker |
Nov 08, 13:00 | New CPs & Discussion Felix Joos, Robert Scheichl, Christoph Schnörr, Jakob Zech, Matthias Weidemüller, Michela Mapelli, Dominika Wylezalek, Nicolo Defenu, Hubert Klahr, Daniel Durstewitz, Kees Dullemond |
Oct 25, 13:00 | New CPs & Discussion Ulrich Schwarz, Lauriane Chomaz, Selim Jochim, Richard Schmidt, Peter Bastian, Ullrich Köthe, Jan Pawlowski, Wolfram Pernice, Tilman Enss, Tristan Bereau, Fred Hamprecht |
May 03, 13:30 | Cluster-Internal Discussion |
Feb 09, 13:30 | The importance of active supermassive black holes in galaxy evolution *Pretalk by Pranav Kukreti at 1pm* Dominika Wylezalek |
Feb 02, 13:30 | Geometric-harmonic data exploration *Pretalk by Fred Hamprecht starts at 1 pm* Guy Wolf |
Jan 26, 13:30 | Geometric Learning via PDE-G-CNNs: Training of Association Fields Remco Duits |
Jan 19, 13:30 | Probing entanglement in quantum processors with randomized measurements Benoit Vermersch |
Jan 12, 13:30 | Identities and Cultures in the Natural Sciences *pretalk starts at 1 pm* Johan S. Bonilla Castro |
Jour Fixe 2023
Dec 15, 13:30 | Experimental Activities in STRUCTURES *Pretalk starts at 1 PM* Selim Jochim et al. |
Dec 08, 13:30 | The Topological Data Analysis of Stratified Spaces *pretalk by Lukas Waas starts at 1 pm* Lukas Waas & Tim Mäder |
Dec 01, 13:30 | From Quantum Entanglement to Data-Driven Science and Engineering - *Pretalk cancelled* Robert Scheichl |
Nov 17, 13:30 | Turbulence, Pebbles And Planetesimals: The Origin of Minor Bodies in The Solar System *Pretalk starts at 1 pm* Hubert Klahr |
Nov 03, 13:30 | On Accelerating Deep and Bayesian Neural Architectures. ***Pretalk starts at 1 pm by Guido Kanschat*** Holger Fröning |
Jul 07, 13:30 | The role of multiscale modeling in molecular discovery Tristan Bereau |
Jun 23, 13:30 | The quest for an unknown functional that we know must exist Fred Hamprecht |
Jun 09, 13:45 | 3D Reconstruction of Interstellar Dust Distributions with Invertible Neural Networks Victor Ksoll |
May 26, 13:30 | (Hidden) Symmetries of Computational Problems. *Pretalk starts at 1 pm* Michael Walter |
May 05, 13:30 | Probabilistic hyperdimensional computing Wolfram Pernice |
Apr 28, 13:30 | Local minimizers of the interface length functional based on a concept of local paired calibrations (*Pretalk starts at 1 pm*) Tim Laux |
Apr 21, 13:30 | Transfer at Heidelberg University / Heidelberg University Publishing Johanna Schwarz and Jochen Apel |
Feb 10, 13:30 | Women in STEM – research insights and policy implications Christiane Schwieren |
Feb 03, 13:30 | Fullerenes and modular forms Peter Smillie |
Jan 27, 13:30 | Learning the Universe with intensity mapping and computer vision Caroline Heneka |
Jan 20, 13:30 | Approximation Rates for Neural Operators Jakob Zech |
Jan 13, 13:30 | Connecting two-dimensional materials and ultracold atoms Richard Schmidt |
Jour Fixe 2022
Dec 09, 13:30 | Surface dynamics in living systems Anna Erzberger |
Nov 25, 13:30 | Probabilistic Cellular Automata for Fermionic Quantum Field Theories Christof Wetterich |
Nov 18, 13:30 | Constrained Optimization on Manifolds Roland Herzog |
Nov 11, 13:30 | Slowing Down Microwave Photons Using Superconducting Qubits Alexey Ustinov |
Nov 04, 13:30 | The non-abelian X-ray transform Gabriel Paternain |
Oct 28, | STRUCTURES Bottom Up Gong Show |
Jul 08, 13:30 | Online Special Tobi Haas, James Farre, Agustin Moreno |
Jul 01, | Computational Psychiatry Georgia Koppe / Pretalk Daniel Durstewitz |
Jun 24, | An introduction to expanders Nalini Anantharaman |
Jun 10, | Predicting robust emergent function in active networks Evelyn Tang |
Jun 03, 13:30 | Mathematical Methods for Single-cell Transcriptomics Simon Anders |
May 13, 13:30 | Cracks in LCDM Lavinia Heisenberg |
Apr 29, 13:30 | Interacting Particle Systems and stochastic PDEs Hendrik Weber |
Jan 28, 13:00 | From Nilpotence Varieties to Supermultiplets (and Back?) Fabian Hahner |
Jour Fixe 2021
Dec 03, 13:00 | Hamiltonian Estimations by Inverse Renormalisation Group and Convolution Nets Stephane Mallat |
Nov 26, 13:00 | Photonic non-von Neumann computing Wolfram Pernice |
Nov 19, 13:00 | Function from structure in neuronal networks Mihai Petrovici |
Nov 05, 13:00 | Tafelvortrag:
Randomized iterative approaches - also useful in the continuous setting? Felix Joos / Antonio Girao |
Jul 30, 13:30 | Quantum simulation with ultracold atoms – emergent Hilbert-space fragmentation Monika Aidelsburger |
Jul 16, 13:30 | Visualization of Time-Dependent Vector Field Topology Lutz Hofmann |
Jul 09, 13:30 | Multilevel Monte Carlo for Lattice Field Theory Robert Scheichl/Eike Müller |
Jul 02, 13:30 | What's inside the box? New methods for looking at cosmological data! Björn Malte Schäfer |
Jun 25, 13:30 | Generative and Invertible Networks for LHC Theory Tilman Plehn |
Jun 18, 14:30 | Using bayesian networks to infer chromatin networks Carl Herrmann |
Jun 18, 13:30 | From machine learning to dynamic modeling for personalized medicine Julio Saez-Rodriguez |
Jun 11, 17:00 | Challenging Artificial Intelligence Vision Algorithms to achieve Human Level Performance Alan Yuille |
May 28, 13:30 | Geometric Finite Elements Oliver Sander |
May 21, 13:30 | Random Tensors, from quantum gravity to conformal field theory Razvan Gurau |
May 14, 13:30 | “Dynamics of many interacting quantum particles -
what we can learn from experiments with ultracold atoms” Maximilian Prüfer |
May 07, 13:30 | EP 3.5: Haben zugesagt, Titel und Abstract für 22.04. ist angefragt Knüpfer/Rüland |
Apr 30, 13:30 | The Virtual Universe Dylan Nelson |
Apr 23, 13:30 | Opinion Dynamics & Kinetic Field Theory Carsten Littek |
Apr 16, 13:30 | General Introduction Long-Term-Members |
Feb 26, 13:30 | Ultracold Fermions under the Microscope Philipp Preiß |
Feb 19, 13:30 | Circuits and architectures for accelerated analog neuromorphic computing Johannes Schemmel |
Feb 12, 13:30 | Autonomous Driving and Law: First Results Stefan J. Geibel |
Feb 05, 13:30 | Bayesian inference in stellar astrophysics Dr. Fabian Schneider |
Jan 29, 13:30 | EP: From the observable to the unobservable properties of galaxies, with neural networks Dr. Annalisa Pillepich, Lukas Eisert |
Jan 22, 13:30 | Statistics of Inverse Problems Prof. Jan Johannes |
Jan 15, 13:30 | EP: Subriemannian Billiards Dr. Lucas Dahinden (telefonisch zugesagt am 18.11. für den 15.01.) |
Jour Fixe 2020
Dec 11, 13:30 | The Mathematics of Deep Learning: Can we Open the Black Box of Deep Neural Networks? Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok |
Nov 27, 13:30 | Covid-19: Predicting the uncertain future Prof. Dr. Cornelis Dullemond |
Nov 20, 13:30 | EP: Zero-sum evolutionary games and convex Hamiltonian systems Prof. Dr. Gabriele Benedetti and Davide Legacci |
Nov 13, 13:30 | Cosmic Mysteries and the Hydrogen 21cm Line Dr. Anastasia Fialkov |
Nov 06, 13:30 | Correlations, chaos, and criticality in neural networks Prof. Dr. Moritz Helias |
Jul 24, 13:30 | Minkowski Functionals as Comprehensive Shape Descriptors in Physics Michael A. Klatt |
Jul 17, 13:30 | EP: Planetesimals, Dust Bunnies, and Hybridized Discontinuous GalerkinMethods Prof. Guido Kanschat |
Jul 03, 13:30 | Thermodynamics from relative entropy PD Dr. Stefan Floerchinger |
Jun 26, 13:30 | Statistical Physics of Active Matter Prof. Julien Tailleur |
Jun 05, 13:30 | Neuromorphic encoding of quantum entanglement Dr. Martin Gärttner |
May 29, 13:30 | Searching for Extrasolar Planets with Gravitational Microlensing Prof. Joachim Wambsganss |
May 15, 13:30 | Substructures in large objects Prof. Felix Joos |
May 08, 13:30 | Rigidity and Flexibility in PDEs: Uncertainty, Antilocality and the Fractional Calder\'on Problem Prof. Angkana Rueland |
Feb 07, 11:30 | EP: Bayesian Parameter Estimation for Mathematical Models of Self-Organization and Biological Pattern Formation Marciniak/Scheichl |
Jan 31, 13:30 | EP: Universality on Network Structures from Quantum Dynamics to Big Data Nicolò Defenu |
Jan 31, 11:30 | Measuring the symplectic size of subsets in phase space Gabriele Benedetti |
Jan 24, 13:30 | Using the HI 21 cm line to study the high-redshift Universe Simon Glover |
Jan 24, 11:30 | Universe(s) in a box: towards numerical simulations of the Reionization Annalisa Pillepich |
Jan 17, 14:30 | EP: Can Geometric Hydrodynamics meet Dynamical Data Analysis? Peter Albers/ Christoph Schnörr |
Jour Fixe 2019
Dec 13, 11:30 | The Future of Artificial Intelligence Helmut Linde |
Dec 06, 11:30 | Stabilityandinstabilityof Many-Body Localization Wojzeck de Roeck, Leuven |
Nov 15, 13:30 | Eigenvalue problems for nonlinear differential equations Carl Bender |
Nov 15, 13:30 | Laplacian roots, space sandwiches, spectral methods, and Ising clusters Giaccomi Gori |
Nov 15, 11:30 | Geometry of bounded critical phenomena Giaccomi Gori |
Nov 08, 11:30 | New emergent behavior in networks with higher-order interactions Federico Battiston |
Nov 08, 11:30 | Interplay between structure and function during brain development Ana Millan |
Oct 31, 14:15 | Quantum Simulation of Hyperbolic Space with Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics: From Graphs to Geometry Igor Boettcher |
Oct 25, 13:30 | Kinetic field theory: more on the generating functional Matthias Bartelmann |
Oct 25, 11:30 | Kinetic field theory for cosmic structure formation Matthias Bartelmann |
Jul 19, 13:15 | Universality and phase transitions in dissipative quantum many-body
syst Jamir Marino |
Jul 12, 13:00 | Analyzing measured and simulated geometry based data Susanne Krömker |
Jul 12, 12:00 | Visualization in Dynamical Systems Filip Sadlo |
Jul 12, 11:30 | Radiation Magnetohydrodynamics in Astrophysics Ralf Klessen |
Jul 12, 11:00 | Speakers introduce STRUCTURES YRC |
Jul 05, 13:00 | Moduli spaces, their geometry and analysis Jan Swoboda |
Jul 05, 11:00 | Do quantum and classical heat machines have a different performance? David Gelbwaser |
Jun 28, 13:00 | Cell mechanics as a heterogeneous materials problem / Efficient finite element solvers for heterogeneous materials Ulrich Schwarz / Linus Seelinger |
Jun 28, 11:00 | Quantum dynamics in the lab / Some Mathematical Questions in Quantum Dynamics Markus Oberthaler / Manfred Salmhofer |
Jun 14, 13:15 | Internal discussion: open access and SciPost |
Jun 14, 11:30 | Quench, Hydro and Floquet Dynamics in Integrable Systems Jean-Sebastien Caux |
Jun 07, 12:00 | EP Dynamics: Inferring Dynamical Systems from Time Series Observations using Recurrent Neural Networks Daniel Durstewitz |
May 24, 13:00 | Computers like Brains - Models for information processiong Andreas Baumbach |
May 17, 13:30 | Representing Structure in Data using Assignment Flows Christoph Schnörr |
May 17, 12:00 | Applied string theory: Understanding strange metals in the lab with virtual black holes Koenraad Schalm |
May 10, 13:00 | Vision Emerging Ralf Wessel |
Apr 26, 13:00 | Entanglement in quantum dynamics and quantum technologies Philipp Hauke |