

The clus­ter of ex­cel­lence STRUC­TURES ex­plores new con­cepts and methods for un­der­stan­ding how struc­ture, col­lec­tive phe­nom­e­na, and com­plex­i­ty e­merge from the fun­da­men­tal laws of physics. These con­cepts are al­so cen­tral for fin­ding struc­tures in large da­ta­sets, and for re­al­iz­ing new forms of ana­logue com­pu­ting. STRUC­TURES ad­dress­es spe­cif­ic, high­ly top­i­cal ques­tions about the for­ma­tion, role, and de­tec­tion of struc­ture in a broad range of nat­u­ral phe­nom­e­na, from sub­atom­ic par­ticles to cos­mo­lo­gy, and from fun­da­men­tal quan­tum physics to neu­ro­science.

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Recent News & Activities

Our Big Questions

Understanding how structure, collective phenomena, and complex behaviour emerge at large is one of the most profound and important tasks of science. The STRUCTURES Cluster of Excellence aims at a coherent understanding of the common principles, concepts and dynamical models underlying structure in nature, mathematics and data. Our main research questions are:

Why is so much of nature structured rather than diffuse?

What are deep new relations between mathematical & physical structure?

How can we efficiently and reliably identify structures in large datasets?

How can complex physical structures be used as a resource for computation?

Unity in Diversity

Compass graphic showing STRUCTURES' projects as polygons connecting different research areas.

The STRUC­TURES Clus­ter of Ex­cel­lence brings together scientists from numerous different research fields and subfields. It establishes new axes of research between mathematics, physics and computer science, with the goal to create a culture of collaboration that transcends boundaries between traditional areas. This enables us to pursue research projects that could not be addressed by the individual groups in isolation. On the institutional level, STRUC­TURES College is becoming the place where cross-disciplinary discourse takes place in research and teaching, and gets connected to other parts of the university, and to society.

The diagram shows the STRUC­TURES logo that visualizes our connections via the seven comprehensive projects, which are joint interdisciplinary projects that connect researchers rooted in a variety of areas – displayed here as semi-transparent polygons. Each spike/vertex stands for a STRUC­TURES PI. The representation in a circle not only emphasizes that in the CP, they all contribute jointly and on an equal footing, it also allows to show the different subject areas, affiliations, as well as other information, on further circles on the outside.

We combine leading expertise in scientific computation and large-scale simulation, data analysis and machine learning in the scientific context, geometry and topology, field theoretical methods, analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations, neuromorphic computation, and synthetic quantum systems. Compared to other research institutions and clusters in the world, it is the unique combination of this expertise that makes Heidelberg an ideal place for the research pursued in STRUC­TURES – allowing to transform our understanding of struc­ture and its emergence in the world.

Outreach Blog: “What's That Structure?”

Do you wish to learn more about the research topics of STRUC­TURES?

The public outreach blog “What's That Struc­ture?” of the STRUC­TURES Clus­ter of Ex­cel­lence is dedicated to cultivate interest in research topics and foster interdisciplinary engagement through insightful articles and captivating visuals on topics related to our research in the cluster. Based on the motto “What's That Struc­ture?”, each article is about a structure and aims to give an idea of what that structure is, how it comes about, and why it fascinates us. Each blog post is furthermore accompanied by small social media campaigns.

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STRUCTURES Project Management Office
Philosophenweg 12 & Berliner Str. 47
D-69120 Heidelberg

+49 (0) 6221-54 9186


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