Young African Mathematicians (YAM)
The Young African Mathematicians (YAM) Programme is a cooperation with the African Institute for Mathematical Science (AIMS). It enables outstanding graduates of the AIMS Master Programme to spend an academic year at the STRUCTURES Cluster of Excellence, giving them the opportunity to learn and to do research at a leading mathematical institution in Germany. During their fellowships, the YAM students conduct research under the supervision of a professor, participate in a structured course programme and immerse themselves in a rich and stimulating environment. In addition, mentorship is provided by early-career researchers from STRUCTURES.
At STRUCTURES, the YAM students benefit particularly from an interdisciplinary research environment where pure and applied mathematicians work together, and where collaborations range from mathematics to experimental physics and astronomy. This unique opportunity allows the YAM fellows to interact and collaborate with international experts from various different fields, enhancing their skills and expanding their academic and professional networks.
YAM Fellowships

The YAM Fellowships are at the heart of the YAM programme. They provide a fully-funded, structured year of study and research at the STRUCTURES Cluster of Excellence at Heidelberg University. The academic programme is divided into two distinct phases:
- Course Phase (First Semester):
The YAM fellows attend selected courses to prepare for their research projects. Mentors collaborate closely with the fellows to help them choose suitable advanced courses from the wide range available at Heidelberg University. - Research Phase (Second Semester):
Fellows carry out their own research project under supervision of their professors and mentors. They will have the chance to present and discuss their findings both within STRUCTURES and at bi-annual meetings of the YAM network Germany.
The fellowship offers an extensive package of financial and administrative support, including:
- A stipend covering travel, living, and accommodation costs.
- Accommodation arrangement in Heidelberg.
- Assistance regarding administrative formalities (registration with the city, enrolment at university, opening of bank account, mobile phone services, etc.).
- Individual support and mentorship for the duration of the Fellowship.
Eligibility Criteria and Selection Procedure
YAM Fellows are selected through a competitive process, which is open to recent graduates of the AIMS Master’s program. Applications are submitted via local AIMS centres in early spring of the academic year preceding their fellowship, indicating their area of research. Each AIMS centre nominates several candidates who, for their academic track record, motivation, and commitment, are valued by the selection committee. The final selection is a collaborative process of AIMS and the four partner institutions of YAM Network Germany.
YAM Fellows 2024/25
STRUCTURES warmly welcomes three new fellows through the Young African Mathematicians (YAM) programme: Mina Chavelle Tchoua Tchoua, Mickaya Aimé Razanaparany, and Eunisse Nzetchuen Mangaptche, all from the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS). Over the course of their two-semester research stay, the fellows will engage in a rich and dynamic academic programme including courses, seminars and research projects.
YAM Fellows 2023/24
The STRUCTURES Cluster of Excellence is proud to have hosted YAM fellows Richarlotte Razafindravola and Olivette Tchouangnou Chuagua during the 2023/24 period. Their research was supervised by Felix Joos, Roland Herzog, Hans Knüpfer, and Robert Scheichl, with additional support from YRC students Louise Kluge and Maximilian Siebel, who provided invaluable mentorship in a supportive learning environment. The organization of the stay is in the hands of the coordinators Hans Knüpfer and May-Britt Becker as well as the members of the STRUCTURES office.
YAM Network

Graphic © Magdalena Balcerak Jackson, adapted
YAM is a joint initiative between the five AIMS centres in Cameroon, Senegal, Rwanda, Ghana and South Africa, and four notable German clusters of excellence (Hausdorff Center Bonn, Mathematics Münster, MATH+ Berlin, STRUCTURES Heidelberg). Each German participant institution hosts two to four YAM fellows per year, chosen by a collaborative selection process. The partners take turns organizing networking events during which YAM Fellows from all partner institutions can meet, talk about their research and create a community by sharing their experiences. This enables the fellows to expand their academic and professional network, building a strong community among and between the participating institutions from Germany and the AIMS centres. In addition to two annual YAM Fellow Networking Events, the local YAM Teams from the four partner institutions meet once annually to discuss the development of the YAM programme for future years.
Cover image credits: Mathematics Münster