YRC › Find Assistance

Diversity in all forms is important for and valued at STRUCTURES and the YRC. It is our central goal for all members of our community to feel included and receive equal opportunities within the cluster.

In addition to our commitment to diversity, it is also important to have accessible contacts for specific issues that may arise at the university. The aim of this site is to provide information about contact persons for a variety of these problems and to make it easier to find a contact. Please remember that in any case, and also for confidential matters, the YRC Representatives, the STRUCTURES Managing Director, or Trust Professors are available as contacts and happy to help.

Logo   Ombudspersons

As confidential counsellors, the ombudspersons advise those who inform them of suspected misconduct in science and examine the plausibility of the allegations. They inform the commission, of which they are advisory members, and submit the cases there for consultation.

  • Ombudsperson for Natural Sciences at the University

    Prof. Dr. Gerald Linti
    Tel. +49 6221 54-8468
    Email: gerald.linti@aci.uni-heidelberg.de

  • Ombudspersons for Doctoral Candidates

    Prof. Dr. Christiane von Stutterheim
    Institut für Deutsch als Fremdsprachenphilologie
    Plöck 55
    69117 Heidelberg
    E-Mail: cvs@idf.uni-heidelberg.de

    Prof. em. Dr. Michael Wink Seniorprofessor im IPMB
    Pharmazeutische Biologie
    Im Neuenheimer Feld 329
    69120 Heidelberg
    E-Mail: wink@uni-hd.de

Logo   General Points of Contact at the University

Logo   Points of Contact for Mental Health

Logo   Points of Contact for Students

Logo   Points of Contact for Parents

Logo   Points of Contact of the Individual Faculties

Logo   Points of Contact of the Graduate Schools

The following are points of contact directly at individual graduate schools.



STRUCTURES Project Management Office
Philosophenweg 12
D-69120 Heidelberg

STRUCTURES Project Management Office
Berliner Str. 47
D-69120 Heidelberg

+49 (0) 6221-54 9186