YRC   〉Trust Professors

Trust Professors

Our Trust Professors offer their support and guidance for the young researchers within the YRC. They can mediate in case of issues with your group or your supervisor, or if you are simply in need of helpful advice for your next career step.

Feel free to contact them, in case you are a YRC member and feel like you need help or advice.

Our current elected Trust Professors are:

Photo of Petra Schwer

Petra Schwer

Institute for Mathematics (IMa)

Photo of Matthias Bartelmann

Matthias Bartelmann

Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)

Photo of Lavinia Heisenberg

Lavinia Heisenberg

Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)

Photo of Ullrich Köthe

Ullrich Köthe

Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR)

YRC Contact:




STRUCTURES Project Management Office
Philosophenweg 12 & Berliner Str. 47
D-69120 Heidelberg

+49 (0) 6221-54 9186


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