What's That Structure?
Discover structures in the Physical World, Mathematics & Data
The Cluster of Excellence STRUCTURES at Heidelberg University explores new concepts and methods for understanding how structure, collective phenomena, and complexity emerge from the fundamental laws of physics. These concepts are also central for finding structures in large datasets, and for realizing new forms of analogue computing. STRUCTURES addresses specific, highly topical questions about the formation, role, and detection of structure in a broad range of natural phenomena, from subatomic particles to cosmology, and from fundamental quantum physics to neuroscience.
On this blog and on our social media channels, we show pictures of interesting structures that are related to our research in the STRUCTURES Cluster, and we give you an idea what they are, how they come about, and why they fascinate us. We look forward to your feedback!
Latest blog posts:
The Origins of Black Hole Mergers: Diverse Pathways Across the Universe
Maria Paola Vaccaro
Mathematical Models for Climate and Weather Prediction
Carolin Lindow
What Do Herds of Animals Have In Common With Moving Magnets?
Carsten Littek
Learning the Language of Time Series of Natural Phenomena
Stefan Riezler & Michael Hagmann
Viktoria Noel –
Eric Rohr, Shalini Kurinchi-Vendhan and Elad Zinger –
Sebastian Stapelberg & Sara Konrad –
Björn Malte Schäfer –