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Networking Meeting of the Young African Mathematicians (YAM) Fellowship Programme

YAM fellows 2023/2024 with mentors and staff from the cluster network. (© Mathematics Münster)
The YAM fellows gave presenations on their time in Germany, their academic and personal learnings and their plans. (© Mathematics Münster)

The 2023/24 Young African Mathematicians (YAM) fellows and representatives from Berlin, Bonn, Hei­del­berg, and Münster gathered at Mathematics Münster on Monday, 17 June 2024, to exchange experiences and build enduring connections within the YAM network.

During the meeting, YAM fellows presented insights and learnings from their re­search experiences in Germany. A panel discussion featuring Prof. Dr. Franca Hoffmann, initiator of the YAM programme, Prof. Dr. Raimar Wulkenhaar, Dr. Fridolin Melong, AIMS-DFG fellow at Mathematics Münster, Prof. Dr. Anna Gusakova and Dr. Kristina Wensing provided valuable tips, advice and insights on (academic) careers in and outside Germany. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Imke Franzmeier. The day concluded with a feedback session and a joint dinner at “Das Blaue Haus,” a popular student pub in Münster.

The YAM Fellowship Programme supports talented and motivated young African mathematicians at a master’s level. Through immersing themselves in the activities at one of the four German excellence clusters, students can profit from the high-quality international re­search environment of the host institution and ultimately increase their own network. The programme includes a nine-month re­search visit with a structured course programme, stipend covering travel, living, and accommodation costs, as well as comprehensive personal and practical support from advisors, YAM coordinators, peers, and staff.

The STRUC­TURES Cluster of Excellence is proud to have hosted YAM fellows Richarlotte Razafindravola and Olivette Tchouangnou Chuagua during the 2023/24 period. Their re­search was supervised by Felix Joos, Roland Herzog, Hans Knüpfer, and Robert Scheichl, with additional support from YRC students Louise Kluge and Maximilian Siebel, who provided invaluable mentorship in a supportive learning environment. The organisation of the stay is in the hands of the coordinators Hans Knüpfer and May-Britt Becker as well as the members of the STRUC­TURES office.

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