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Re­search Visit and Talk by Oleksii Krupchytskyi: Cell Motion Bifurcations in PDE Model

STRUC­TURES is delighted to have hosted Oleksii Krupchytskyi from Penn State Uni­ver­si­ty as part of its guest programme. During his stay in Hei­del­berg, Krupchytskyi gave a special talk on "Bifurcations in a Free-Boundary PDE Model of Cell Motion". In the joint seminar of the groups of U. Schwarz and A. Marciniak-Czochra (Comprehensive Project 3: From Molecules to Cells and Tissue), Krupchytskyi demonstrated how to analytically obtain the transition from a super- to a subcritical bifurcation to motile solutions. This transition is caused by nonlinear diffusion of contractile myosin motors, as recently suggested and obtained numerically by the Schwarz group. The visit and seminar highlighted significant advancements in the understanding of cellular motility and the synergy between analytical and numerical approaches in biological research.

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