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Research Awards: Highlighting Two Special STRUCTURES Breakthroughs
We are deligthed to announce that research from STRUCTURES' Comprehensive Project (CP 4: Quantum Structure and Dynamics) carried out by Celia Viermann and the group of Markus Oberthaler, in collaboration with external member Stefan Flörchinger, has made this year's Physics World list of Top 10 Breakthroughs of the Year 2023. In their laboratory experiment, the researchers have succeeded in realizing a quantum simulation of a curved and expanding spacetime. Within an ultracold quantum gas, they were able to simulate an entire family of curved universes that can be manipulated, allowing to investigate and comapre different cosmological scenarios with the predictions of a quantum field theoretical model (see also this earlier news item for more details). The research results were published in Nature (see Viermann et al., 2022).
We are delighted to announce that a study from STRUCTURES' CP 6 (Networks and Machine Learning) carried out by Egzon Miftari, Filip Sadlo and Daniel Durstewitz has been awarded one of the prestigious Best Paper Award of the IEEE VIS 23, the premier conference for visualization and visual analytics. The award is considered one of the most renowned awards for publications in this field of research. In their work, the researchers extend vector field topology to discontinuous but piecewise-continuous vector fields, by providing extraction techniques for Filippov systems and extending these systems with non-unique transport. This enables visualizing and exploring the behaviors of complex flow with discontinuities, which is extremely important in many engineering and application fields. An overview of this work can be found in this year's CP 6 project report by Egzon Miftari and Filip Sadlo featured in STRUCTURES News (October 2023), page 3.
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