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Scientific Ma­chine Learning Event “Ma­chine Learning Galore!” on Nov 16

Click on the image to open the poster as PDF.

We are happy to announce the next Scientific Ma­chine Learning event “Ma­chine Learning Galore!”, taking place on November 16, 4:30 to 6:00 pm and featuring various lab presentations and science talks:

Ma­chine Learning galore! - Programme:
  • Lab presentations:
    • Christoph Dieterich, Sandy Engelhardt, Britta Velten
  • Science talks:
    • Adrian Chan (Dieterich lab): Fingerprinting your RNA - one molecule at a time
    • Sven Köhler (Engelhardt lab): 4D Self-Supervised Deep Cardiac Motion Modelling
    • Florin Walter (Britta Velten lab): Probabilistic Factor Models for Subcellular Spatial Transcriptomics

To help plan the catering, please register for free until Nov 13 via this webpage.

Scientific Ma­chine Learning is a joint initiative from IWR and STRUC­TURES to foster interactions within and development of the local ma­chine learning community. Its portal, summarizes the many relevant events and news from across campus that would otherwise remain scattered across single institutions or fields. The goal of the initiative aligns with the STRUC­TURES Cluster of Excellence's objective of driving re­search into the fundamental understanding of current and future ma­chine learning, and with IWR’s aim to leverage ma­chine learning to enable the solution of long-standing problems in the natural and life sciences, the engineering sciences, as well as the humanities.

Further information:


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