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10th Hei­del­berg Laureate Forum – Inspiring Young Researchers in Mathematics & Computer Science

HLF Foundation

This September 24–29, at the 10th Hei­del­berg Laureate Forum (HLF), 200 young researchers in mathematics and computer science will spend a week of scientific exchange with the recipients of the disciplines’ most prestigious prizes: the Abel Prize, ACM A.M. Turing Award, ACM Prize in Computing, Fields Medal, the Nevanlinna Prize as well as its continuation, the IMU Abacus Medal.

Having over 30 groundbreaking and award-winning researchers in mathematics and computer science in one venue is not only a thrilling prospect for the next generation of scientists attending the 10th HLF, but for anyone who has an interest in these subjects and the pioneers they have produced. Livestream their lectures and panel discussions on the HLF website or catch them at your leisure on the HLF YouTube channel, which is regularly updated.

STRUC­TURES is happy to take part in the 10th Hei­del­berg Laureate Forum by offering visits to its local institutions. On September 27, groups of young researchers will do on-site visits of several scientific institutes in Hei­del­berg. STRUC­TURES is happy to take part and present the EINC building. Among others, the HLF will also visit BioQuant, Hei­del­berg Experimental Geometry Lab (HEGL), the Hei­del­berg Institute of Theo­re­ti­cal Studies (HITS), the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) and the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA).

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