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Arepo Development Workshop for ISM Simulations 2023
We are happy to announce the Arepo Development Workshop for ISM simulations, which takes place from September 11 to 15, 2023 in Manchester, United Kingdom, and is supported by the STRUCTURES Cluster of Excellence.
The goal of this highly interactive workshop is to bring together people who use and develop Arepo for ISM studies, allowing them to share their knowledge on improvements and modules they have introduced to the code. The code framework Arepo is a widely used tool for simulations in the astronomical community, whether it be for cosmological, galaxy or cloud scale simulations. In the field of ISM physics, many researchers use it as a basis for their models. Within STRUCTURESthe code is used especially in the context of comprehensive project CP1, which combines multi-scale numerical simulations with data analysis techniques and functional methods to answer the key question: Why is so much of nature structured rather than diffuse? In order to keep up with research of ever-increasing complexity, new and more elaborate physics has been introduced in the code in recent years.
Further information:
Workshop webpage