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TDA Seminar: Enhancing computational astrophysics with interpretable machine learning
We are happy to announce the Topological Data Analysis (TDA) seminar on Thursday, June 22, 11:15 am at Mathematikon (room 00.200), in which Tobias Buck, research group leader at IWR and ZAH, will be talking about “Enhancing computational astrophysics with interpretable machine learning”.
The seminar is organized within the STRUCTURES Exploratory Project Mathematics and Data, a platform across the fields of the natural sciences and mathematics to discuss applications and foundations of topological data analysis and beyond. TDA provides versatile tools to uncover potentially hidden topological structures in data. Researches who use TDA in statistical contexts are regularly surprised by its vast sensitivity to non-local correlations. The goal of the TDA seminar is to bring together people from various backgrounds, with an emphasis on synergies with Machine Learning. Topics range from applications on real world problems to the abstract mathematical foundations of the subject.
Please find more information and the preliminary schedule for upcoming talks on the seminar website.