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Re­search Seminar Topological Data Analysis

We are happy to announce the weekly seminar Topological Data Analysis (TDA) organized by the STRUC­TURES Exploratory Project (EP) Mathematics and Data. The goal of the seminar is to bring together people from various backgrounds who are interested in TDA. The prospective topics will, amongst others, include synergies with Ma­chine Learning (ML). Scientists with a background in computer science or ML are particularly encouraged to participate.

Time & Place: Thursdays 11.15 am to 12.45 am at room 0.200, Mathematikon. The first meeting of the semester will take place on April 27th, exceptionally in the SR Statistik 02.104 of the Mathematikon.

The EP Mathematics and Data provides a platform across the fields of the natural sciences and mathematics to discuss applications and foundations of the topological analysis of data (TDA) and beyond. TDA provides versatile tools to uncover potentially hidden topological structures in data. Researches who use TDA in statistical contexts are regularly surprised by its vast sensitivity to non-local correlations.

Please find the Seminar Announcement here.


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