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HEGL Community Seminar May 2 2022

We cordially invite you to attend the Hei­del­berg Experiment Geometry Lab (HEGL) Community Seminar talk by Sean Lawton on May 2 at 3pm:

Title: Dynamics, Finite Fields, and Character Varieties: A Geometry Lab Project Working!
Abstract: In 2014, the Mason Experimental Geometry Lab (MEGL) was founded at George Mason Uni­ver­si­ty (GMU). During Fall and Spring of that year, MEGL obtained funding, space, equipment, and participants. In Summer 2015, the first re­search (and outreach) projects began. One of the first projects explored dynamics on the finite field points of certain algebraic varieties. This project continued every semester and summer until Fall 2018. In addition to interesting conjectures with substantial data to support them and 1000’s of lines of code generating said data, the project created awesome visualizations (images and 3D prints), a GMU-College of Science re­search award, an undergraduate honors thesis, a PhD thesis, a community of mathematicians (11 student participants, most in PhD programs or in professional scientific positions), and many fond memories. This talk is about that story.

The Seminar will take place online via Zoom. Contact HEGL or join the HEGL Mailing List to get the Zoom coordinates. More information can be found at the HEGL seminar website.


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