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Reality and probability: from atoms to bacteria and the Earth climate

We cordially invite you to attend the talk by Lamberto Rondoni (Politechnico di Torino) on Reality and probability: from atoms to bacteria and the Earth climate on Friday April 22 at 4.00pm at EMBL, Large Operon.

Registration is no longer required, but it is still mandatory to wear FFP2 masks in seminar rooms. Online access via Zoom: Meeting ID: 910 5345 7980, Passcode: 449594

Abstract: Probability is arguably the most effective mathematical tool that all sciences use. However, probability is not reality, and one should be aware of the relations between them, in order to avoid errors, and actually develop useful predictive theories. In this lecture, I will invite the audience and myself to ponder the matter, illustrating various notions probability and giving examples of how statistical physics understands thermodynamic phenomena. I will then discuss success and failures in the use of probabilities in Physics, and will conclude mentioning some applications of biological and geophysical interest. .


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