News Overview

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HEGL Community Seminar: Weaving Quasicrystals

We are happy to announce the HEGL community seminar talk on Monday, June 26, at 2:15 pm, Mathematikon (Seminarraum C), in which Philip Engel will be talking on "Weaving Quasicrystals".

Abstract: I will begin by talking about joint mathematical work with Peter Smillie on tilings, quasicrystals, and moduli spaces of higher differentials. We will review the beautiful constructions of N. G. de Bruijn, who classified the Penrose tilings of the plane. Then, we will discuss how to generalize some parts of this work to build tilings of closed, flat surfaces.
For the second half of the talk, I will describe a joint art project with fiber artist Victoria Manganiello, on visualizing quasicrystals and higher dimensions. How are patterns made, converted into a format suitable for weaving, and then actually woven?

Further dates and information:
HEGL Community Seminar webpage

Math Colloquium and HITS Fellow Ceremony in Honour of Anna Wienhard

We are delighted to announce the special “Math colloquium” in honour of our external member and former STRUC­TURES speaker Anna Wienhard, organized by the Hei­del­berg Institute for Theo­re­ti­cal Studies (HITS). The colloquium, which will take place on July 8, 11 am at Studio Villa Bosch, will be a special event in honour of Anna Wienhard, who took up her new position as Director of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in November 2022.

The distinguished speakers at the colloquium will be:

  • Steve Trettel (University of San Francisco): “Geometry from the Inside” (Abstract)
  • Richard Schwartz (Brown Uni­ver­si­ty): “Divide and Conquer: 5 Point Energy Minimization” (Abstract)

After the talks and discussion, Anna Wienhard will be awarded HITS Fellow by HITS Scientific Director Tilmann Gneiting. 

TDA Seminar: Enhancing computational astrophysics with interpretable ma­chine learning

We are happy to announce the Topological Data Analysis (TDA) seminar on Thursday, June 22, 11:15 am at Mathematikon (room 00.200), in which Tobias Buck, re­search group leader at IWR and ZAH, will be talking about “Enhancing computational astrophysics with interpretable ma­chine learning”.

The seminar is organized within the STRUC­TURES Exploratory Project Mathematics and Data, a platform across the fields of the natural sciences and mathematics to discuss applications and foundations of topological data analysis and beyond. TDA provides versatile tools to uncover potentially hidden topological structures in data. Researches who use TDA in statistical contexts are regularly surprised by its vast sensitivity to non-local correlations. The goal of the TDA seminar is to bring together people from various backgrounds, with an emphasis on synergies with Ma­chine Learning. Topics range from applications on real world problems to the abstract mathematical foundations of the subject.

Please find more information and the preliminary schedule for upcoming talks on the seminar website.

Special Condensed Matter Theory Seminar: The strongly drive-dressed Fermi polaron

On Friday, June 16, 2023, 11:15, Alexander Schuckert will give a talk on the strongly drive-dressed Fermi polaron. Fermi polarons are quasiparticles formed by impurities interacting with an atomic Fermi sea. Quasiparticles, crucial to understanding quan­tum systems, offer exciting opportunities for scientific and technological advancements through manipulation using external fields. Alexander Schuckert will discuss the challenge of manipulating quasiparticles with external fields and present new methods based on precise and fast radio-frequency control of ultracold atoms. This re­search holds promise for illuminating the properties of strongly driven matter and highlights the potential of ultracold atoms in such investigations. Don't miss this captivating talk that promises to shed light on cutting-edge re­search in the field.

The talk will take place at Philosophenweg 12, Room 105.

Celebrating the one-year anniversary of KIDS - The Parent Child Offices

Click on the image for a larger version.

We are delighted to announce that the parent-child offices “KIDS” of STRUC­TURES and SFB1225 ISOQUANT will be celebrating their anniversary. We would like to use this special occasion to celebrate together, to open the buildings for all interested parties and to give parents and children the opportunity to get to know each other and to network.

DATE: Wednesday, 14 June 2023 from 16:00 hrs.
LOCATION: Albert-Überle-Str. 3-5, Room 059

There will be coffee, cake and several small games, painting and craft activities for the children. For a better preparation of the event, we kindly ask you to send us your feedback, indicating the persons participating, by June 5, 2023 at the latest by email to Your families and children are very welcome!

Hei­del­berg Uni­ver­si­ty sees itself as a family-friendly uni­ver­si­ty. With the parent-child offices "KIDS", we contribute to making the compatibility of family and career a self-evident aspect of our uni­ver­si­ty culture. The cooperation initiative of the Cluster of Excellence STRUC­TURES and the Collaborative Re­search Centre 1225 ISOQUANT is intended to offer parents the uncomplicated opportunity to take their children "to the office" in the event of unexpected childcare bottlenecks. In this way, the children can be cared for in a family-friendly environment parallel to their own work. More information on the project can be found at:

Workshop on Hodge theory, Mirror Symmetry, and Physics of Calabi-Yau Moduli

Click on the image to open the announcement poster as PDF

We are happy to announce the joint MATCH-PIMS-STRUC­TURES workshop in Mathematical Physics, held from June 12 to 16, 2023 at the Mathematikon in Hei­del­berg.

This workshop, organized by the Mathematical Physics group in the Mathematisches Institut at Hei­del­berg Uni­ver­si­ty, in collaboration with the Algebraic Geometry group at University of Alberta, will focus on the B-model (Hodge theory), the geometry and arithmetic of moduli of Calabi-Yau manifolds, degenerations, related aspects of the A-model (enumerative geometry), and questions of fundamental physics (string theory).

More details, registration information and a list of invited speakers can be found on the workshop's web page:

Public Lecture by Katrin Tent: “Unentscheidbare Probleme in der Mathematik”

We are happy to announce the public lecture by Prof. Dr. Dr. Katrin Tent (Universität Münster) on Undecidable Problems. The event is organised by the Re­search Station Geometry + Dynamics Hei­del­berg in cooperation with the STRUC­TURES Cluster of Excellence and the SFB/TRR 191 “Symplectic Structures in Geometry, Algebra and Dynamics”:

Abstract: Können Computer die Nullstellen eines Polynoms finden? Das klingt erst einmal wie eine relativ einfache Aufgabe. Aber kann man ein Programm schreiben, dass bei Eingabe eines Polynoms entscheidet, ob dieses Polynom Nullstellen in den natürlichen oder ganzen Zahlen hat? Und was hat diese Frage mit den berühmten Gödelschen Sätzen zu tun? Diese Fragen klärt der Vortrag und stellt die Zusammenhänge her.

The event takes place on May 24, 2023, 17:00 at Hörsaal Mathematikon (INF 205, 69120 Hei­del­berg). No registration required! More information can be found on the event's webpage.


STRUCTURES Project Management Office
Philosophenweg 12 & Berliner Str. 47
D-69120 Heidelberg

+49 (0) 6221-54 9186

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